Our Mission is to Reach Up to God in Worship, allow Him to Reach In to our lives through His Word, and that He would use us to Reach Out to our community through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Reach Up. Reach In. Reach Out.

Our Beliefs

  • The Bible is God’s word. It is “living and active” as people are transformed through its truths by the power of the Spirit. The Bible is made up of the 66 books in the Old and New Testaments, written by countless human authors, inspired by the Holy Spirit, to serve the purpose of God. Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:16

  • The Triune God is the only true and real God of the Universe. He is both incredible and beyond our comprehension. Made of three personalities in One God; the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are both distinct and the same. No worldly comparison can quite put into words the awesome power or comprehend the unique character of the Three in One. 2 Corinthians 13:14, John 1:1, John 10:30, Matthew 28:19, 1 Peter 1:2

  • All people are born into a state of eternal separation from God due to our sin nature and a fallen world. Out of love for all mankind, God sent His son, Jesus, to die and rise again to bring salvation from sin and death. This salvation comes through faith in Jesus as the living King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Salvation is not able to be earned as it is a gift out of the mercy of the Father by His grace through our faith in Jesus. Romans 5:12, Romans 8:7-8, 1 Timothy 2:3-4, Ephesians 2:4-9, Romans 10:9-10, John 3:14-8

  • Baptism is a public testimony and sign of one’s salvation and entrance into the Body of Christ. The act of immersion into water is a picture of dying to our sin and rising to a new life in Christ. While baptism is not required for salvation, it is as an important and meaningful act for all believers. 1 Corinthians 12:13, 1 Peter 3:21, Acts 2:41, Colossians 2:12, Romans 6:3-6

  • With the installation of the Church, it is important to recognize all believers in Jesus as both called to ministry and equal in the Body of Christ. As all make up the Priesthood of Believers, no need for a clergy/laity split is needed with professional ministers holding position over non-professional followers. This Priesthood thus requires all followers of Jesus to equal use of their Spiritual Gifts and equal participation in church ministry.

  • As followers and imitators of Jesus we are called to be servants. Our goal is to serve the community in practical ways to show the love of Christ and to share the gospel. We desire to be in state of consistent outreach as collectively and individually to make a true impact on the world around us. This is described as faith in action since faith without action is “dead.” James 2:15-19, James 1:27, Ephesians 2:10, Luke 17:7-10

  • Just as Christ was physically raised from the dead as the “firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep,” so we too who are born again will be raised from the dead with a physical body at the end of this age. At that time the new heaven and new earth will be raised as the physical kingdom of God where He will live with His people for eternity with no “death or mourning or crying or pain…” 1 Corinthians 15, Revelation 21:1-4, 2 Peter 3:11-13, Daniel 12:1-3